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Safety tips
The National Anti-Fraud Center reminds: Beware of the fraud which implement as the video conferencing to pretend to be a public prosecutor. In case of Internet fraud, please call police office immediately.
ZHUMU Anti Fraud Alert:
Don't share the screen with strangers nor show the balance and bank card to strangers.Don't be afraid of the threat,if you encounter fraud, please call 96110 to call the police.
ZHUMU Anti Fraud Alert:
The National Anti-Fraud Center reminds: Beware of the fraud which involves screen share or bank transfer. In case of Internet fraud, please contact police immediately.
Registration Tips
We sent an invitation email to you. Please go to your mailbox and go from there. Remember it might be in your junk mailbox.
Registration Tips
We sent an invitation email to you. Please go to your mailbox and go from there. Remember it might be in your junk mailbox.
Registration Tips
If this email has been invited, please go to the invitation email for registration.Refer to the following guidelines for the invitation process.
Registration Tips
If this email has been invited, please go to the invitation email for registration.Refer to the following guidelines for the invitation process.